Free Drug Screen in Florida

Free Drug Screens

Our Free Drug Screens & Testing  In Florida is an important tool in the process of recovery. In fact,  according to American Society of Addiction Medicine guidelines, a clinician cannot make a complete assessment to diagnose a substance-related disorder without a drug screen. It’s how healthcare providers determine the type and severity of the addiction. It also helps the person in recovery stay mindful of the goal of treatment – freedom from addiction – and provides a reliable indicator of your progress on the road to recovery.

Testing is especially important in Medication-Assisted outpatient settings, since recovering clients are not sequestered or isolated from temptation and opportunity. The triggers that arise in everyday life, at work, home, and social situations are less likely to bring on a relapse if there’s a drug screen coming.

Everyone has setbacks. Relapses happen. For many it’s part of the recovery process, and drug testing is a way for you and your care team to gauge your trajectory, calibrate your care, and adjust your treatment accordingly. Drug test results are a private matter between you and your care team (unless the courts are involved) and caregivers are non-judgmental about relapses. Most people who fail a drug screen are allowed to undergo a reassessment with the possibility of choosing a more intensive therapy program.

Outpatient Addiction Recovery Drug Testing Services Florida

Urine testing is generally used to screen for the presence of certain drugs including:

  • Opioids including heroin, oxycodone, morphine, hydrocodone, codeine, and fentanyl
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines, including methamphetamine
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Cannabis  
  • Benzodiazepines

It is important for patients to look at drug screening as an essential therapeutic tool in their recovery. A test indicating a relapse doesn’t confer blame, but is rather an opportunity for both patient and clinician to discuss triggers, motivations and positive therapeutic remedies.

Florida Treatment Services has addiction recovery centers throughout Central Florida offering on-site dispensation of methadone, suboxone, and naltrexone. We are passionate about our mission to help our clientele reclaim their lives. Our state-of-the-art treatment facilities offer hope and help to those who struggle with opioid addiction in Orlando, Marianna, Palm Beach, Kissimmee, New Port Richey, Crestview, Tampa, and Clearwater. Call 407-783-6273 if you or a loved one needs a fresh start.

Free Drug Screens

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Drug Treatments
